Subdivision of Lots - Sale of land
Overview: An existing parcel of land may be divided into 2 or more parcels. A landowner may want to give a lot to one of the kids or sell a lot to reduce taxes or generate cash. In Vermont, a lot may be created as a building lot or as a deferred lot. A building lot is permitting with a house (location), drive (location), well (location), and a septic system, completely designed and ready to be built. The deferred lot has no design for anything to be built, and when deeded, the deed must contain language stating that nothing can be built upon the lot until design and permitting is completed at some point in the future.
How we can help: Hogg Hill Design works with landowners to assemble the permits necessary to divide land as they wish. This involves site design and permit applications to the State and in some localities, the Town. The State process is uniform throughout the State, the Town process, if any, varies by Town. Subdivisions are usually surveyed by a licensed land surveyor. We work with various land surveyors and can find one to do the necessary survey and produce the plat for approval and recording in the town records.
Value added: The subdivision process costs money and takes time. The end value is usually an increase in the value of the land parcel, sometimes a very substantial increase. A permitted subdivision is a first step to the sale of a lot, or lots, if that is the intention of the landowner. Contact Hogg Hill Design for a quote on permitting costs and a time estimate.